Thursday, April 4, 2013

Rutgers' Mike Rice Rage: Bad Behavior or a Disorder?

Throwing balls, kicking players, shouting gay slurs -- all of these outbursts caught on videotape of Rutgers basketball coach Mike Rice reveal the abusive nature of uncontrollable anger.

Rice was fired this week, and faculty and alumni have been in an uproar. But was his angry performance during a men's basketball team practice last year just bad boy behavior or something more diagnosable?

"There is a misconception that getting anger out helps you calm down, but ironically, it makes you more angry," said Camp Hill, Pa., psychologist Pauline Wallin, author of the 2004 book "Taming Your Inner Brat."

Watch more on this story on "20/20: Losing It!" Friday at 10 ET

"The angrier you get, it gets increasingly harder as you are pumping more adrenaline, and there is more energy to discharge. Yelling and screaming don't get you calmer, they rile you up."

The university's reputation is still stinging from the 2010 suicide of gay student Tyler Clemente, whose roommate had secretly videotaped the freshman having sex and was convicted of a hate crime..

Today, a group of 13 faculty and alumni demanded that university president Robert Barchi resign, because it took months for him to take action.

Barchi first viewed the video in November and sent Rice to anger management counseling. He fired the coach on April 3, when the video again resurfaced.

Kevin Rivoli/AP Photo

Former Rutgers University men's basketball... View Full Size

PHOTO: Former Rutgers University men's basketball coach, Mike Rice, will receive a $100,000 bonus from the school, despite being fired on April 3, 2013.

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Even New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie weighed in on Rice, applauding the firing in the New York Times: "The way these young men were treated by the head coach was completely unacceptable and violates the trust parents put in Rutgers University."

Experts say the most common form of aggressive anger is rage, which is a psychological and physiological response to a stressor event. A person can lose his or her capacity for rational thought. The capacity for rage often begins early in life and continues through adulthood.

A person in rage may also experience tunnel vision, muffled hearing, increased heart rate and hyperventilation. The large amounts of adrenaline and oxygen in the bloodstream may cause a person's extremities to shake.

Psychiatrists say the most extreme form of rage is intermittent explosive disorder, or IED. "It's somebody who really lacks control and is way over the top," said Wallin, who did not speculate on why Rice behaved as he did.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the disorder, which is listed in the DSM-V, involves repeated episodes of "impulsive, aggressive, violent behavior or angry verbal outbursts in which you react grossly out of proportion to the situation."

Recurrent, problematic, impulsive aggression affects 5 to 7 percent of the population, but many Americans do not seek treatment, according to a study published by the American Medical Association.

Research shows that chemical abnormalities are associated with this disorder. People with IED can suddenly explode without provocation.

Examples can include road rage, domestic abuse, throwing or breaking objects, or other temper tantrums. Those affected may attack others, cause bodily injury and property damage. They may also hurt themselves. Later, when they have calmed down, they can feel remorse, regret or shame. Effective treatments can include antidepressants and cognitive behavior therapy.

Wallin admits she is not an expert in IED, but she has witnessed plenty of anger, including physical fights, at sporting events like hockey.

"They are yelling at each other, sitting down and getting rough with each other and all excited with the adrenaline," she said. "The reason they have no control is they are really hyped up. Even the fans love to see the fights."

Experts caution that IED goes outside the bounds of normal anger and is considered an impulse disorder.

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